IP rights in figures
patents in force on 31/12/2022
45,498 (-6.2 %)
examination procedures concluded
23,592 (+11.7 %)
grants published
-2.3 %
Applications in total and change in %
+6.8 %
including applications from abroad
90.8 %
Online applications
(National patent applications)
Utility models
utility models in force on 31/12/2022
9,848 (-13.1 %)
registration procedures concluded
8,765 (-12.1 %)
with registration
-10.5 %
Applications in total and change in %
+11.3 %
including applications from abroad
73.4 %
Online applications
(National utility model applications)
Trade marks
trade marks in force on 31/12/2022
75,053 (-18.1 %)
registration procedures concluded
53,621 (-21.8 %)
with registration
-16.4 %
National applications in total and change in %
-12.6 %
including applications from abroad
81.2 %
Online applications
(National trade mark applications)
designs in force on 31/12/2022
4,840 (-13.7 %)
procedures concluded for a total of 39,866 designs
4,213 (-11.8 %)
with registration for a total of 36,251 designs
+16.6 %
Registered designs in total and change in %
-23.2 %
including applications from abroad
89.7 %
Online applications
(Design applications)
Four property rights that everyone should know
How can I protect my ideas? Useful inventions, successful designs and memorable brands can be very valuable economically. In this video on our YouTube channel, you can find out which property right comes into question for you.
The video is only available in German.
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PrefaceDear readers,
“The German Patent and Trade Mark Office is a treasure that needs to be preserved”. What a nice quote! Could appreciation be expressed any more clearly? My starting out with what seems like self-praise might leave you a bit puzzled. So let me clarify straightaway: The originator of this quote is not a member of our staff, but the President of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys. The addressee was the Federal Minister of Justice, the occasion was the farewell-ceremony for my predecessor Cornelia Rudloff-Schäffer and my own inauguration.

I found this statement quite impressive. There is always something to criticise, is there not? Does the public not generally consider public authorities to be overly burdened by red tape? Are fees not by default perceived as too high? Official decisions as too bureaucratic? Of course, an inauguration is not exactly an occasion for rants. And of course, the patent attorney community voices criticism regularly. But nonetheless, I do not take such a heartfelt expression of general appreciation by the representation of a profession for granted.
Dear readers, as you might know, I have only been in office since February. I took over this position with delight and drive from day one, but naturally, I am not yet entirely familiar with the ins and outs of the system. Nevertheless, I believe that I understand what this statement refers to.
First of all, there is of course the considerable expertise of the DPMA: 146 years of experience and constant focus on quality have their effect. I believe the quality of the intellectual property rights granted and registered by our office to in general be undeniably up to the highest standards by international comparison. In my view, there is something else that adds to that: the spirit of partnership. The DPMA is not simply a higher federal authority, but also views itself as a service provider. We do not only have applicants; we also have customers. Along with the attorney community, inventors, companies, IP service providers and many other organisations, we are part of a big project that we all benefit from: commercial property rights and intellectual property rights assure progress, growth and wealth. That is worth cooperating for – and showing appreciation for each other.
Dear readers, I hope that this attitude is also reflected in this annual report, by the offers and services that are presented, but also by the different perspectives that we take into account. As your new DPMA President, I want to reach out to you for this kind of partnership. And concerning the opening quote, I would like to reassure you: We are quite aware of our actual role. We are not so much the treasure as we are the treasury for your technical innovations, trade marks and designs.
Enjoy reading and remain innovative!
Sincerely yours
Eva Schewior
Tasks and organisationThe German Patent and Trade Mark Office: first-hand service and quality.

Every day, our staff experience first-hand what it means to be part of the “Land of Ideas”. It is the ideas of our customers who consciously choose the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) to protect their know-how. This is because effective action against plagiarism and counterfeiting is possible, above all, on the basis of IP rights: Patents, utility models, trade marks and designs effectively protect intellectual property — be it a technical invention, a creative trade mark or the colours and shapes of a new product.
The DPMA is the German centre of expertise for the protection of intellectual property. A higher federal authority, it is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Justice. With the examination of IP rights and the provision of services, our office promotes the innovative power and creativity of industry and plays an essential role in the international IP system. We examine inventions, grant patents, register trade marks, utility models and designs and manage, and inform the public of, IP rights. As the largest national patent office in Europe and the fifth largest national patent office in the world, our office stands for the future of Germany as a country of inventors in a globalised economy.
Its staff of approximately 2,800 at four locations provide services to inventors and companies.
- Munich
DPMA headquarters including senior management, administration and legal divisions as well as patent, trade mark and utility model divisions, arbitration boards - Jena
Sub-office with administrative and IT units as well as design division, an additional trade mark division and three patent divisions that are being established - Berlin
DPMA Information and Service Centre
(DPMA-IDZ) - Hauzenberg
Branch office with several teams for provision of information and for Customer Care and Services
In organisational terms, the DPMA is divided into four Directorates General:
Directorate General 1 — Patents and Utility Models
- More than 1,000 patent examiners organised in five clusters (Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Technology, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry and Medical Engineering as well as Physics) with 40 patent divisions in total
- Utility model and topography division
- Patent and utility model administration
Directorate General 2 — Information
- Information services for the public and internal information services: database search, library, classification systems, Customer Care and Services, Internet editorial office
- Support for the 19 German patent information centres
- Operation and further development of all information technologies of the DPMA
Directorate General 3 — Trade Marks and Designs
- 13 teams in three divisions for trade mark examination
- Trade mark cancellation division
- Design division with design unit
Directorate General 4 — Administration and Law
- 16 specialist areas in four divisions, occupational health management
- All administrative tasks, including personnel and facility management, organisation as well as budget and legal affairs
- Patent attorneys and other agents as well as supervision of collective management organisations under the Act on Collective Management Organisations (Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetz)
Senior management

Eva Schewior

Bernd Maile

Ulrich Deffaa
Heads of the Directorates General

Patents and Utility Models
Dr Maria Skottke-Klein

Dr Bernd Läßiger

Trade Marks and Designs
Barbara Preißner

Administration and Law
Katharina Mirbt