To ensure the quality of the services provided by patent attorneys, aspiring patent attorneys usually complete an approximately three-year IP training divided into three phases: The candidates complete the initial training phase, which is the longest with a duration of at least 26 months, with a patent attorney at a patent law firm or with a patent agent in the patent department of a company (first phase of training). What follows is known as the office year. The office year is divided into a phase of two months in the patent and trade mark divisions of the DPMA (second phase of training) and a phase of six months on the Boards of Appeal for Trade Marks and the Technical Boards of Appeal at the Federal Patent Court (third phase of training). The qualification is completed by law studies the candidates usually do at the Fernuniversität in Hagen concurrently with the training.
Course of training
University degree
in science or engineering + one year of (work) experience in a field of technologytraining
at a patent attorney’s office, at the DPMA and the Federal Patent Courtpatent attorney qualifying examination
written component (four exams), oral componentafter passing the qualifying examination
you may call yourself “Patentassessorin” or “Patentassessor” (patent agent)
Yet before they start their training, the candidates must be admitted by the DPMA. Pursuant to the Patent Attorney Code (Patentanwaltsordnung), the admission to training is subject to the acquisition of what is referred to as the technical qualification. The technical qualification means the successful completion of scientific or technical studies at a university, including courses of studies at a university that have a major scientific or technical focus. In addition to a degree, the candidates must have at least one year of practical technical experience.
At the end of their training, the candidates take the qualifying examination before the examination board for patent attorneys established at the DPMA. The examination includes four written tests and an oral test.
It is possible to be admitted to the qualifying examination even without having done the training. In that case, a degree in scientific or technical studies and a degree in law must have been obtained. In addition, such candidates must have worked as advisers or representatives in the IP area prior to the admission to the qualifying examination, usually for a period of at least ten years. The minimum duration of the activity is reduced to eight years if the candidate has passed the European qualifying examination for professional representatives before the European Patent Office.
After passing the examination, the examinees are entitled to bear the title “Patentassessor/in” (patent agent). Subsequently, the path is clear for an activity in industry or as a patent attorney.
Grade | Participants (in %) |
excellent | 0.0% |
good | 0.7% |
above satisfactory | 9.5% |
satisfactory | 51.0% |
sufficient | 32.7% |
fail | 6.1% |
Total | 100% |
The German Chamber of Patent Attorneys is responsible for patent attorney matters, including the swearing-in and admission to practice. It is a corporation under public law in which the patent attorneys in Germany are organised. The DPMA exercises the government supervision of and works closely with the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys. In May 2023, a successful workshop between the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys and the DPMA was held for the first time again after an interruption caused by the pandemic.
In 2023, the number of persons admitted to training once again decreased. The DPMA admitted a total of 95 candidates to patent attorney training. In 2022, the number was 110.
At the three examination dates in the spring, summer and autumn of last year, 138 out of 147 examinees passed the qualifying examination.
Detailed information on the patent attorney training and qualifying examination is available on our website.
For detailed statistical data on patent attorneys and representatives, please see the “Statistics” chapter.