Blatt für Patent-, Muster- und Zeichenwesen

The Blatt für Patent-, Muster- und Zeichenwesen (BLPMZ), which is published by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA), is a monthly German-language gazette that contains acts, ordinances and official notifications from the overall area of industrial property. Other contents are court decisions, notifications about patent agents and representatives as well as news about personnel changes.
The DPMA and Carl Heymanns Verlag allow you free online access to the current issue and the archive from 2003.
Searching within older issues is also possible free of charge via the Wolters Kluwer Online website. However, to retrieve documents, you need a print subscription subject to fee.
Link to the current issue to Wolters Kluwer Online
Link to the Carl Heymanns Verlag website
Picture: DPMA
Last updated: 22 June 2023
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