

viele bunte Bildschirme

Overview of current issues

Caution: Fraudulent requests for payment by e-mail!

Fraudulent requests for payment circulated again! In contrast to previous cases of fraud, trade mark applicants were contacted by e-mail. The e-mails sent in the name of the Office management of the DPMA request the recipients to transfer allegedly due application fees (up into the four-digit range) to foreign accounts (recently also to a German IBAN). The scam e-mails are also accompanied by a forged trade mark certificate containing the logo of the DPMA.

The DPMA expressly points out that these e-mails are not related to the Office. The Office does not send invoices or requests for payment - neither for the application or renewal of IP rights nor for their publication in the official registers.

June 2024

May 2024

  • Number of the month (16.05.2024)
    4.1 billion euros in total damage caused to the mechanical and plant engineering industry by illegal replicas, copies or other plagiarism infringements
  • AI that can see (16.05.2024)
    Nominated for the European Inventor Award: Cordelia Schmid
  • Milestones (16.05.2024)
    275th birthday: Edward Jenner, father of vaccination
  • Press release (14.05.2024)
    Product piracy: How SMEs can enforce their property rights
  • Background (07.05.2024)
    Father´s day special: The Bollerwagen handcart - Here for the beer!
  • World of Design (06.05.2024)
    Musical instruments in many tonal colours

Former News

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Last updated: 28 June 2024