

viele bunte Bildschirme

Overview of current issues

Caution: Fraudulent requests for payment by e-mail!

Fraudulent requests for payment circulated again! In contrast to previous cases of fraud, trade mark applicants were contacted by e-mail. The e-mails sent in the name of the Office management of the DPMA request the recipients to transfer allegedly due application fees (up into the four-digit range) to foreign accounts (recently also to a German IBAN). The scam e-mails are also accompanied by a forged trade mark certificate containing the logo of the DPMA.

The DPMA expressly points out that these e-mails are not related to the Office. The Office does not send invoices or requests for payment - neither for the application or renewal of IP rights nor for their publication in the official registers.

July 2024

  • Milestones (26.07.2024)
    Seven brands and the "Taylor's version"
  • Background (25.07.2024)
    Olympic Summer Games in Paris: Olympia - Mascots, money, marketing
  • Important notice: (22.07.2024)
    No acceptance of new applications filed by Russian nationals or natural persons residing in Russia or by legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia
  • Search: DPMAregister (19.07.2024)
    GDR form treasure now searchable in DPMAregister - DFG research project of the State Patent Center Thuringia ("PATON")
  • Europe leads the way in water technology innovation (18.07.2024)
    Europe is a world leader in the development of new technologies in the water sector, such as drinking water production, efficient water utilisation, wastewater treatment and flood protection. This is shown by a study published today by the externer Link European Patent Office (EPO). In the period from 1992 to 2021, 40 per cent of all international patent families on water technologies were filed by applicants from the EPO's 39 member states. This puts Europe well ahead in terms of inventions in the water sector, followed by the USA and Japan. The leading European countries are currently Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
  • Ingenious women (17.07.2024)
    55 years moon landing: Apollo´s women - They put that man on the moon
  • Annual Report (11.07.2024)
    Interesting statistics, useful information and exciting stories
  • Inventor and Innovation Awards (09.07.2024)
    European Inventor Award 2024: DPMA President Eva Schewior congratulates
  • Important notice (08.07.2024)
    on entry into force of a new version of the Standard for the Presentation of Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequence Listings Using XML pursuant to section 11 (2) of the Patent Ordinance as of 1 July 2024
  • Ingenious women (01.07.2024)
    90th anniversary of Marie Curie's death: Radiant icon of science

June 2024

Former News

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Last updated: 26 July 2024