
Official publications
- Patentblatt (Patent Gazette), Markenblatt (Trade Mark Journal), Designblatt (Design Gazette) ( in German)
The weekly publications pursuant to the German Patent, Trade Mark and Design Acts - Notices by the President
Overview of notices by the President of the DPMA - Important notices
Information about important current topics and developments in the DPMA’s fields of duty - Announcements
- Open tendering
- Blatt für Patent-, Muster- und Zeichenwesen (BlPMZ) (in German)
Online access to the monthly gazette of the DPMA
- Brochures
Our information brochures and leaflets - DPMAinformativ (in German only)
Series on special IP topics published on an irregular basis - Annual reports
Our annual reports for download - Statistics
Current statistical data for patents, utility models, trade marks and designs
- Guests at DPMA
- Background
What's behind it: Exciting information on current topics - Milestones
Highlights of the history of patents, trade marks and designs - Ingenious women
- Erfinderaktivitäten (report on inventors’ activities – in German)
Annual publication containing articles by our patent examiners on current technological topics as well as historical and recent inventions - Poster gallery
Significant inventions that have left their mark on people’s lives
Print publications
The following publications are edited by the DPMA and can be ordered from any bookshop:
- PCT-Leitfaden für Anmelder (German translation of the PCT Applicant’s Guide)
Volume I contains general information for users of the PCT in the international phase of the PCT procedure
Volume II contains information about the procedure before the designated (or elected) offices in the national phase of the PCT procedure
Format: loose-leaf edition
Publisher: Carl Heymanns Verlag
ISBN 978-3-452-22693-8
SThe German-Language PCT Guide can be ordered fromCarl Heymanns Verlag.
Bild: DPMA
Last updated: 25 August 2023
Not only protecting innovations
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