News - Archive 2022
December 2022
- Milestones (23.12.2022)
Louis Pasteur´s 200th birthday: The invention of vaccination - Open tendering (22.12.2022)
DPMA announces historical research project: "Reappraisal of the history of the Reich Patent Office during the National Socialist era and the new beginning in the post-war period" (in German only) - Notices of the president (20.12.2022)
concerning the amount of the provision costs for the supply of machine-readable data and concerning the opening hours of the Munich Office on 21 February 2023 (Shrove Tuesday) - Number of the month (16.12.2022)
Sales of counterfeits amount to 412 billion euros per year - Background (15.12.2022)
Santa Claus patents, brands, designs: Christmas time and IP - Events (12.12.2022)
Save the Date: DPMAnutzerforum on 28 March 2023 - Fight against product piracy (09.12.2022)
G7 IP leaders intend to intensify cooperation - Background (07.12.2022)
Nobel prize week 2022: The patents behind the prizes
November 2022
- Milestones (25.11.2022)
Jimi Hendrix´ 8oth Birthday: The wild god of guitar - Virtuoso, innovator, brand - Comic IP (23.11.2022)
What have we earned, Charlie Brown? - Sports, leisure and IP (18.11.2022)
The technology behind the ball - Events (09.11.2022)
Register now for the December 1, 2022 webinar on new trademark forms and formal trademark application requirements. - Number of the month (09.11.2022)
2,558 patent applications by independent inventors - Milestones (03.11.2022)
135 years ago: Emil Berliner's gramophone patent - Press release (26.10.2022)
"Level never seen before": 2022 Deutscher Zukunftspreis award fort high-tech microscope
October 2022
- Press release (24.10.2022)
Expansion plug, airbag, stud boots: Independent inventors are still an "important part of the innovation landscape" - Notice of the President (19.10.2022)
concerning the opening hours of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office from 24 December 2022 to 1 January 2023 - Background (17.10.2022)
Halloween and IP: Patents of horror
September 2022
- Background (30.09.2022)
180 years of "Pilsner": Serious drinking - Beer & IP - Press Release (29.09.2022)
Global Innovation Index 2022 - Notice of the President (28.09.2022)
concerning the publication of the Patent Gazette, the Trade Mark Journal and the Design Gazette on the official Internet platform DPMAregister in 2023 - Press release (20.09.2022)
Attention: The DPMA warns against current fraudulent invoice allegedly sent by the "Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Informations- und Dienstleistungszentrum Berlin". Please note: The Office does not send invoices or requests for payment for application and renewal fees. The DPMA has already initiated prosecution. - Press release (14.09.2022)
Deutscher Zukunftspreis: two DPMA proposals among the nominated innovations - Milestones (08.09.2022)
60 years ago: The Beatles´ first single
August 2022
- Press release (24.08.2022)
PIZnet campaign week: Free consultations providing guidance and orientation to small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups - Milestones (08.08.2022)
Prince with vision: 160th birthday of Heinrich of Prussia, inventor of wipers - Inventor and innovation awards (08.08.2022)
Applications for the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2023 can now be submitted to the DPMA - Milestones (03.08.2022)
150th birthday of Richard Willstätter: The expelled genius
July 2022
- Number of the month (27.07.2022)
2 million documents received for an IP right - Milestones (26.07.2022)
Arnold Schwarzenegger's 75th birthday: The Terminator and the brands - Events (22.07.2022)
Register now for the "WIPO Respect for IP Webinar: The Role of Border Measures in IP Enforcement" on July 29, 2022. - Ingenious women (20.07.2022)
175th birthday of Margarete Steiff - Contact (20.07.2022)
Munich receiving service, including the cash desk, is closed until further notice. Mail items are accepted at the gate, cash deposits are currently not possible. - WIPO Global Awards (19.07.2022)
Winners from China, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore - Annual report (14.07.2022)
The digital annual report 2021 is now available in English. The PDF version will follow soon. - Milestones (14.07.2022)
Brian May´s 75th birthday: Dr. Queen - guitar hero with a patent - Attention: The DPMA warns against current fraudulent invoice allegedly sent by the "Information Department". Please note: The Office does not send invoices or requests for payment for application and renewal fees. The DPMA has already initiated prosecution. For further information please see our press release. (12.07.2022)
- Milestones (08.07.2022)
30 years GSM in Germany: Martin Cooper and the first mobile phone - Important Notice (07.07.2022)
PCT applications can now also be filed without signature
June 2022
- Press release (30.06.2022)
The German Patent and Trade Mark Office celebrates its 145th anniversary - Number of the month (29.06.2022)
Our customer service team helped you more than 140,000 times. - Press release (21.06.2022)
DPMA President congratulates mRNA pioneer Katalin Karikó on being recognised by the European Patent Office in the “Lifetime achievement” category - Guests at DPMA (15.06.2022)
Visitors from the German Bundestag: Willingness to provide support was "obvious" - DEPATISnet (14.06.2022)
From June 14 in a new layout: In addition to the usual drop-down lists for the search, the IPC and the service, there is a context help for the possible input fields in the basic and advanced search and more choice in the hit list configuration. - Milestones (07.06.2022)
Paul McCartney´s 80th birthday: The Beatle and his bass - Background (03.06.2022)
Günther Behnisch´s 100th birthday: Olympiapark Munich - the most beautiful sports arena ever? - DPMAregister: (02.06.2022)
In the "Trade marks" section, you now also have the option of performing an image-based similarity search - Press release (25.05.2022)
Annual report 2021: Technology and brand trends - new digital version
May 2022
- Corona update (25.05.2022)
DPMA lifts all pandemic-related restrictions as of 1 June 2022 - Important notice (24.05.2022)
Notice of 23 May 2022 on the participation in hearings, proceedings and on giving of evidence using image and sound transmission - Inventor and Innovation Awards (17.05.2022)
Finalists announced: Two German inventions nominated - Notice of the President (16.05.2022)
concerning the temporary option to defer the grant of a patent in connection with the entry into force of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPCA) - Milestones (13.05.2022)
The miracle inside the bronze lump: The Antikythera mechanism - Number of the month (09.05.2022)
1 577 pan-European registrations for agricultural products and foodstuffs - Press release (09.05.2022)
Federal Minister of Justice: “Maintain and extend the competences of the DPMA” - Background (06.05.2022)
Otl Aicher's 100th birthday: Olympic Park Munich - Jubilee of an icon - Notice of the President (02.05.2022)
concerning the Guidelines for Opposition, Revocation and Limitation Proceedings before the DPMA - Notice of the President (02.05.2022)
concerning the revision of the Guidelines for the Examination Procedure
April 2022
- Maintenance work in DPMAregister (28.04.2022)
Next Friday, 29.04.2022, maintenance work will take place on the Internet services of the DPMA from 15:00 to approx. 22:00. During this time, access to documents in DPMAregister will not work in the file inspection. However, the register information service will still be available. In addition, SEPA mandate reference numbers (PDF document) cannot be delivered during this period. - Background (28.04.2022)
The Force and the Merchandise: IP rights around "Star Wars" - Information on the Russia-Ukraine conflict (25.04.2022)
We have compiled information on the Russia-Ukraine crisis for you on an overview page - Number of the month (21.04.2022)
Number of inventions in battery technology rises by 110.6 percent - Milestones (19.04.2022)
The 55th anniversary of the death of Konrad Adenauer, inventor of soy sausage and the killer brush - Background (08.04.2022)
Solving a miracle: How can the Easter Bunny lay eggs? - New search field (04.04.2022)
Now, DEPATISnet provides a "Smart search" function. The corresponding search field is located at the top right of the screen. Smart search is an easy way to conduct searches for patents and utility models. You can enter publication numbers, names of owners and inventors as well as search terms in the search field.
March 2022
- Press release (29.03.2022)
Analysis on the occasion of the DPMAnutzerforum 2022: Germany is leading in the field of climate-friendly innovations - Number of the month (28.03.2022)
91,613 completed trademark registration procedures - World IP Day 2022 (28.03.2022)
Take part in WIPO's survey on "Youth and Intellectual Property" until 31 March - Background (22.03.2022)
125th birthday of Sepp Herberger: The wondrous wonder maker of Bern - Notice of the President No. 3/2022 (16.03.2022)
concerning the extension of the time limits for entry into the national phase before the DPMA from 30 months to 31 months - Background (16.03.2022)
"Peace" symbol: A sign for peace and hope - Milestones (10.03.2022)
143th birthday: Albert Einstein - patent examiner, referee, inventor - Press release (09.03.2022)
DPMA statistics 2021: Number of patent grants and trade mark applications at highest level - Important notice (08.03.2022)
On the occasion of the current situation in Ukraine: DPMA will take the current situation into account with respect to IP procedures
February 2022
- Number of the month (28.02.2022)
222 female patent examiners at the DPMA - Milestones (23.02.2022)
185 years ago: Thomas Davenport's "propelling machinery" - first patent for an electric motor - Milestones (16.02.2022)
60 years Pumuckl: Hooray for the ginger-haired goblin! - Milestones (14.02.2022)
Ski lift with T-bar: The invention that takes winter sports enthusiasts to the top - Notice of the president (09.02.2022)
concerning changes in recording domestic branches - International Day of Women and Girls in Science (09.02.2022)
"I have always found medical technology exciting" - Background (08.02.2022)
World Radio Day 2022: Radio and Trust - Milestones (02.02.2022)
Gustl Bayrhammer´s 100th birthday: Congratulations, Meister Eder!
January 2022
- Number of the month (28.01.2022)
around 18 million - Notice of the President (25.01.2022)
concerning the amount of provision costs for the supply of machine-readable data in 2022 - Background (21.01.2022)
Downhill in style: Sledge patents once and now - Milestones (19.01.2022)
"Sendung mit der Maus": 50 years a title hero and inspiration - Events (17.01.2022)
Register now: DPMAnutzerforum 2022 as live stream - Inventor and Innovation Awards (04.01.2022)
Apply now for the WIPO Global Awards 2022: New award honours companies and individuals who use their intellectual property for the benefit of society - Important Notices (03.01.2022)
Notices of 1 January 2022 concerning the Nice Classification and the Locarno Classification
Last updated: 21 February 2025
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