
Important Notice of 7 July 2022

PCT applications can now also be filed without signature

Since 1 July 2022, there has been the option to easily file international patent applications (PCT applications) with the DPMA as receiving office online via ePCT. ePCT is a secure, web-based system that offers a broad range of functions. Users can log in with their WIPO accounts to access ePCT and thus the latest bibliographic data and the documents stored by the International Bureau (IB). To access confidential information, a login with strong authentication is required. This means that you need a password and a second authentication factor such as a one-time password generated by a mobile phone app – as with online banking.

Via ePCT, you can file new international applications with the participating PCT receiving offices – which now also include the DPMA. Adding a signature via a signature card is not required. As a matter of course, you can still file your PCT applications with the DPMA as receiving office via DPMAdirektPro and eOLF (tool of the European Patent Office).

To enable the use of ePCT for filings with the DPMA as receiving office, it was necessary to amend the Ordinance on Electronic Legal Transactions with the DPMA (Verordnung über den elektronischen Rechtsverkehr beim Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt). The amended ordinance has been in force since 1 July 2022.

Last updated: 12 March 2025