
Frequently asked questions on DPMAdirektWeb
Here you will find a selection of answers to frequently asked questions on technical, legal and organisational topics relating to DPMAdirektWeb.
If you have a question to which no answer is provided here, please send an e-mail to
How to create a PDF file for DPMAdirektWeb?
To create PDF files when using DPMAdirekt for e-filing, you can basically use every program that creates PDF files in a format compatible with Adobe Portable Document Format Version 1.4 (Acrobat version 5 or later).
Aside from Adobe® Acrobat, many other software products that create PDF files are available.
To embed all fonts, you may have to adjust the settings of your program and set the required format as default.
For a selection of options to create PDF files and to set preferences, please clickhere
The German Patent and Trade Mark Office can receive only documents that comply with Annex F. For the full version of Annex F, please visit theWIPO website.
PDF file rules pursuant to Annex F
- The PDF file must be Adobe Portable Document Format Version 1.4 compatible.
- The text in the PDF file must not be encrypted.
- The PDF file must not contain embedded OLE objects.
- The fonts used in the PDF file must be embedded.
- The paper size must be A4.
In addition to the PDF file rules pursuant to Annex F, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
- The PDF file must not be copy protected.
The PDF file must not contain hidden content.
Last updated: 22 December 2020
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