International application for registration of a mark (MM2)
Pursuant to the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement, a trade mark which has already been applied for or registered at national level, upon request, may be registered in the International Register and thus enjoy protection in the designated countries (“international application for registration of a mark”). The application must be submitted via the DPMA to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Filing at the DPMA can also be carried out electronically and without a signature.
- If you wish to electronically file an application for international registration of a German basic mark applied for or registered with the DPMA, please first complete the necessary forms, save them in PDF/A format on your computer and then upload them in the online application international registration at the DPMA. No signature is required on the documents. Please do not print out the documents and do not scan them. (Exception: Form MM18, see below). An information leaflet on international registration via the Madrid system is available on our trade mark form pages.
The following forms are required for the application for international registration of your trade mark:
- Begleitschreiben an das DPMA zum Antrag auf internationale Registrierung einer Marke (M8005): This letter contains your application to the DPMA, in which you communicate to us your name, your contact details and the file number of your national basic mark a.o.
Application for international registration of a mark – MM2: For an application for international registration of a German basic mark that you have already registered or applied for, you must use form MM2 issued by WIPO (in English or French). Instructions on how to complete this form can be found on
WIPO Website ("Note for filing").
Additionally, you can submit:
- If you were unable to insert the trade mark reproduction of a mark in the MM2 form, it can be attached to the application in PDF/A format (file name: "Trade mark reproduction"). Please refer to the "Note for filing" on
WIPO Website for instructions on item 7 ("THE MARK") of Form MM2.
Claim of seniority (European Union) - MM17: This form (in English or French), issued by WIPO, is required if you designate the European Union and claim seniority.
Declaration of intention to use the mark (USA) – MM18: For the designation of the USA, a declaration of intention to use the mark is additionally required on this form (in English) issued by WIPO. Please note that the submission of form MM18 is not possible without a handwritten signature. If necessary, you must print out and sign the form, and scan it using PDF/A format.
- SEPA specification of the purpose of use (A 9532.1)
The fee of the DPMA for the application for international registration (fee number: 334 100; 180 euros) must be paid within one month after filing the application (Information on the payment of fees at the DPMA). If the fee is not paid in due time, the application for an international registration is deemed to be withdrawn (Sec. 6 Patent Costs Act).
After you have saved the necessary forms on your computer (please use PDF/A format – other formats are currently not supported), go to the online application international registration, where you can upload the files and send them electronically to the DPMA.
Last updated: 12 August 2021
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