
"The full breadth of European cutting-edge technology"

All finalists of the European Inventor Award 2024 can be found on the website of the European Patent Office.

DPMA President Eva Schewior congratulates nominees for the European Inventor Award 2024 - AI researcher and engineer from Germany among the candidates

Pioneering achievements in artificial intelligence and a highly innovative manufacturing process for electric vehicles: The President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Eva Schewior, congratulates the nominees for the European Inventor Award 2024. “The list of nominees illustrates the breadth of European cutting-edge technology - in science, in industry and in small and medium-sized enterprises,” said the DPMA President. “With their highly innovative technical solutions, the candidates inspire confidence and help us to tackle societal challenges more effectively.”

KI-Forscherin Cordelia Schmid

One of three finalists in the “Research” category is German AI researcher Cordelia Schmid. She was selected for her groundbreaking work in computer vision. This involves teaching computers to recognize information in images and videos. Precise image recognition is now an elementary component of highly relevant economic and social areas such as autonomous driving, medical imaging and diagnostics as well as interactive robotics. Cordelia Schmid is Research Director at the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA). She is one of the world's leading researchers in computer vision and co-author of numerous scientific papers and patent applications.

Richard Oberle und Fiorenzo Dioni

In the “Industry” category, German Richard Oberle has been nominated together with Italian Fiorenzo Dioni. Together, they developed the world's largest die casting machine, the “Giga Press”, for the Italian IDRA Group. The machine is used to manufacture parts for electric vehicles. Its innovative technology enables the cost-effective and efficient production of large vehicle components. Compared to conventional processes, the “Giga Press” significantly reduces waste, energy consumption and transportation costs.

Audience Award: Your vote counts

In addition to the four main categories, there is also an audience award. This is awarded in a public vote. Vote for your favorite!

In addition to the categories “Research” and “Industry”, the European Inventor Award is also presented in the categories “Small and medium-sized enterprises” and “Non-EPO countries”, i.e. to inventors from countries that are not members of the European Patent Organization. Three individuals or teams are nominated in each category. There is also an audience award, which is presented to all nominees.

The award ceremony will take place on July 9 and will be streamed online. The European Inventor Award is presented once a year by the European Patent Office.
Further information can be found on the externer Link the website of the European Patent Office.

Pictures: EPO

Last updated: 17 May 2024