
Patent Attorney Training

Please note that the German web pages have been updated – a new English version will be available soon.

A man and a woman discussing charts

Experts in industrial property protection with technical expertise

As patent attorney, you are providing advice and are specialised in the field of industrial property protection. In order to enter into this profession, you must have completed a university degree in science or technology and have (work) experience of one year in the field of technology. This is followed by a three-year training at a patent attorney, at the DPMA and the Federal Patent Court as well as by the patent attorney examination.

Based on your application, the DPMA decides whether you may become a patent attorney considering your educational and professional experience. The DPMA is also in charge of the organisation of the patent attorney training and examination. After having passed the examination, you may call yourself a Patentassessor or Patentassessorin or request to be admitted as a freelance patent attorney (under the professional title of Patentanwalt or Patentanwältin) by the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

Should you have completed a degree in science or technology and worked in an advisory role at a patent department or a patent law firm for at least ten years, you may be admitted to the patent attorney examination without the three-year training.

If you are a patent attorney in another European country, you may become a German patent attorney if you pass a special qualifying examination.

Admission to patent attorney training

Before beginning your patent attorney training, you must be admitted to the training by the DPMA. This is subject to a written request. Furthermore, you must have found a training place at a patent attorney. The website of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys offers an externer Link electronic register of patent attorneys allowing you to search for training places.

Chamber of Patent Attorneys: your point of contact for patent attorney matters

The externer Link German Chamber of Patent Attorneys is responsible for patent attorney matters. For example, this concerns admission to practice as patent attorney including the swearing-in and entry into the electronic register of patent attorneys, revocation of admission, appointment of a liquidator, appointment of a deputy as well as exemption from the duty to have a law firm.

News: Publication of guidelines for patent attorney training abroad

On 18 May 2017, the "Act Implementing the Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Amending Other Provisions in the Field of Professions Providing Legal Advice" ("Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Berufsanerkennungsrichtlinie und zur Änderung weiterer Vorschriften im Bereich der rechtberatenden Berufe") entered into force. By Article 4 no. 3 of the Act a new Subsection 2a was inserted in Section 7 of the Patent Attorney Code (Patentanwaltsordnung). According to this provision, the President of the Patent Office shall decide, after hearing the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, on pdf-Datei Leitlinien (in German only) for the recognition of the training abroad. The guidelines specify the requirements for the organisation and content of the training as well as for the training supervisor.


Last updated: 27 October 2023