Field of action "Products and services"

The services and products we offer are of high quality and highly accepted. We operate efficiently..
We define valid work processes and ensure their high quality.
Defined, consistent and robust business processes are the basis for rendering excellent services as efficiently as possible. Thanks to our office’s work process management, we standardise and if necessary optimise our workflows and processes.
We know our customers’ demands for the quality of our products and services.
Under the leadership of our Information and Service Centre Berlin (DPMA-IDZ), we regularly conduct customer surveys. We use the findings from these surveys to improve our products and services.
As a digital service provider, we offer IT services that provide efficient support to our customers.
To a large extent, the processing of our IP procedures is fully electronic – from the filing to the processing in electronic case files to the electronic sending of decisions and office actions. With our electronic databases and supporting IT services, we additionally offer another comprehensive service package.
Our products and services are customer-focused, of high quality and provided in due time.
We continuously optimise our organisation in order to achieve the best results with scarce resources. We provide our examiners with the best work equipment available and develop specific IT solutions of our own.
Last updated: 10 August 2021
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