Notice of 8 August 2019
concerning licences for international registrations of marks with protection in the Federal Republic of Germany
Licences for the German part of the IP rights of international registrations of marks can now be recorded in the International Register maintained by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Such a recording was previously invalid on the basis of a declaration made by the Federal Republic of Germany to WIPO because German legislation did not provide for the recording of trade mark licences. It has now been possible to withdraw this declaration because the Trade Mark Law Modernisation Act (Markenrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz) provides for the recording of licences.
Please note that the German Patent and Trade Mark Office does not accept nor forward any requests for recording, amendment or cancellation of licences. Such requests may only be submitted directly to WIPO by the holder of the international registration. For this purpose, the forms provided by WIPO must be used for the recording (MM13), the amendment of the recording (MM14) or the cancellation of the recording (MM15) of a licence.
Last updated: 14 October 2019
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