
Protection of intellectual property highly strategically relevant for Germany

DPMA President Eva Schewior speaks to business associations in Berlin on World Intellectual Property Day

DPMA President Eva Schewior

In a keynote speech to high-ranking business representatives on World Intellectual Property Day, DPMA President Eva Schewior emphasised the strategic importance of IP rights for Germany as a business location. "The reliable protection of innovations - especially in key technologies - is also of high strategic relevance for Germany," said Schewior at the "Intellectual Property Day" on 26 April in Berlin. Germany's competitiveness and technological sovereignty should not suffer because the country does not pursue the protection of intellectual property consistently enough compared to other countries. Schewior emphasised that the DPMA shares the view of business associations that the protection of intellectual property - where the promotion of innovation is concerned - must be taken into account from the outset. "Wherever and whenever our expertise is needed in this sense, we are ready!"

The event was organised by the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the German Brands Association and the Action Group to Combat Product and Brand Piracy (APM). BDI President Prof. Dr Siegfried Russwurm and Federal Minister of Justice Dr Marco Buschmann spoke before the DPMA President.

Federal Minister of Justice Dr Marco Buschmann

The DPMA President drew attention to the sharp rise in the number of IP applications, particularly in China and the Republic of Korea. Two thirds of all patent, trade mark and design applications are now filed with Asian patent offices. This shows the importance that is attached to intellectual property rights there in terms of economic advancement. In Germany, too, awareness of the value of intellectual property must increase, said Schewior. The DPMA has been contributing to this with its statutory information mandate for two years. According to Section 26a of the Patent Act, the office is to inform the general public and small and medium-sized enterprises in particular about intellectual property rights.

In her speech, Schewior also praised the property rights system in general. It creates incentives for innovation and ensures a fair balance between the general public's interest in social progress and the necessary interest of companies in making a profit. "If this highly efficient system of innovation protection didn't exist, it would have to be invented!"

Pictures: Christian Kruppa, Photographer

Last updated: 23 September 2024